Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday Nite Recovery Coast

A few of us met at HQ last night. We pushed a solid 14mph up Shoal Creek. Great conversational ride. Good to catch up with Panozz, who was rockin' his P3. What a speed machine. I was a little disappointed that he left his aero helmet at home. When modeling it at the office, he looked a little like this:

It was a super pleasant ride. Until we ran into Chachee. At the stop light at Jefferson and 35th, we happened upon a true rouleur. Atop his trusty Trek Hybrid, decked out in khakis, vans and a backpack, this dude was all about performance. For some reason, he took umbrage with Hoodie. Maybe he is anti-healthcare. Who knows. During their brief  conversation, the Chach exclaimed "I ride A LOT!" I think he needs to hydrate a little better, because it seems the sun is pickling his nugget. Once the light turned green, Our boy was off the front. Which was not hard, since we were all spinning in the lightest gear and paying no attention to the chach. He built a 100m cushion and held it, working his ass off to keep ahead of the "chase" group.

At the next stop, he once again makes some off-the-wall remark and lights out at the green. Really weird. and no one but Hood and I are aware of his challenge. On the 1.5% grinder that follows that light, we reeled him in. Granted we were working hard. All of us were between 85-100bpm. Putting out major watts. Like 150! So as we hit the next stop sign, Hoodie thinks Chach is turning right. Being the gentleman, the Hood bids him farewell with a "See you later!". Chach, who is NOT turning, once again takes offense.  He replies "Yeah, I'll see YOU later". And now it's game on. Really?

So he breaks away. holding a 10 meter lead, I am now ready to end the charade. But following coach's orders, I decide we will just turn left and escape to Great Northern. As we turn, I hear the crazed Van-clad kook call out "I told you!!"

Now that is a competitor.
"I ride a lot!"

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