Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend Summary

Dough, summer is here.

Saturday ride was delayed due to my Firm's community service efforts. 15 or so of my office mates congregated on Bee Cave Road Saturday morning to pick up trash on the south side of 2244, from Bee Cave Pkwy to Senna Hills. Mauricio is the driver of this initiative, through his 787 affiliation. It was as fun as trash pickup can be. Interesting finds: PF Chang's table buzzer, partial bumper with embedded golf ball, snake carcass, coyote carcass, deer carcass. No Doughboy carcasses found, but one wonders where the Lurker has been, or Fitzy for that matter.

Cleanup left me and Hoodie hitting the road at 11am. He had a 3.5 hour endurance ride on the calendar, so we pushed the full Oz, plus a Great Northern loop. Clouds kept the temp in check until around 1pm. At that point, the sun scared everything out of the sky. And off the road. I think we were the only cyclists dumb enough to roll the heat of the day. You ever see a dried-up frog on the side of the road? That was me and Hoodie by the end of this roll.

dehydration victim

Sunday -  I left the house on the bike at 6am, meeting Ullrich at 6:30 at Lola. We had conflicting workout plans, so spun together for the warmup. I turned left at Lost Creek for some 3 minute intervals, and the German took it down Bee Cave. Really early, but I prefer it to a mid-day roaster.

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