True Heroes
Memorial Day 2011. Let's pause to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that so many have made for our Country. Over the milennia of human existence, our country has offered the best (though imperfect) shot at freedom to both its inhabitants, and those outside its boundaries. That freedom is costly, a price paid in blood, so that we can go about our daily lives unencumbered by fear of reprisal for our chosen religion, political affiliation, sports team, whatever. The beauty of this country is that you can agree with me, or not. Ride Debriefs -
#1 - Malo's Duck Pond Adventure
Dough "B" Squad rolled from Duck Pond shortly after 8 bells. Cracker riding his last Austin ride before bailing out to the more bike-friendly flatlands of Dallas, Scheibs, Malo, and Charlie (they sometimes call me "Frank") made a good team.
Down wind as we rolled north onto Parmer and up to Route 29. The first half of our 41 miles took 1 hour + 5 minutes. The return didn't go so well. Wind right in our face slowed the pace dramatically. There was one bright spot on the ride back, Scheibs and yours truly must have looked like junk yard dogs chasing a french poodle when a young hottie with nice wheels (supporting a nice package) blew by us on the uphill portion of the return. It didn't take long for the long tongued Dough boys to be drafting closer than safe riders should draft. Charlie and Cracker must have thought someone had shot us out of a cannon. Even with the incentive to ride fast we fell back and regrouped at the car dealer. Never let it be said that Scheibs and Malo aren't team players.
Have a great Memorial Day and be thankful for those that have served our great nation.
/s/ Malo
#2 Lola Memorial
South Roll
Stanton, me, Hoodie and AT rolled at 7:17am from Lola. Looking for something flat, we headed south on Mopac and over to SW Pkwy. Pace was controlled, but would have triggered monetary damages had it been employed on the Duck Pond roll.
Absolutely nothing crazy happened on this ride. Stanton bolted early due to limited hall pass privileges. Totally understandable given that he orchestrated the Marathon Andice Beatdown. Great talk with him about my misconceptions about Aggie culture. I feel like I have grown as a person.
No tongue wagging for us. Though I did turn on a little juice on Mopac (tailie!), gently urging the guys to a little push to the finish.
/s/ Coach
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