Sunday, April 17, 2011

Highs and Lows at this weekend's MS150 - SATURDAY

I wasn't really looking forward to this weekend. Even though Ullrich and Veej had done yeoman's work to eliminate the redneck factor, I was looking forward to it like a teenager anticipates a night at home with Mom and Dad.

Rebounding from the 337, a particularly vicious deep tissue massage and a hard week of PedalHard efforts, I kinda wanted to chill out at the house. But it's a great cause, and as I already documented, some Dough had laid some meticulous plans. So count me in. So glad I did it!

Caught the bus at 1:30pm on Friday with Hoodie, Ullrich, Bride of Ullrich (BOU),  Mauricio,  and Dr Fuentes. And about 30 TacoDelians, none of which did I know. Stanton, Frank, Bergie and Sean made other travel arrangements. Ride down was fun, with plenty of banter worthy of an AT-approved video. Hoodie was Hoodie, Ullrich was still reminiscing about his 337 deuce, and Mauricio was picking out VJ's new ride....hilarrious.

Checked in at the Courtyard, which was the recipient of an Extreme Makeover. If the hotel was a Westlake Soccer Mom, I would say the liposuction was a success. Dinner at Carrabas was awesome fun, and I never wanna live in Houston. Mauricio's dad joined us. proving to be an excellent dude. This was to be both his first ride over 45 miles, and represent a bucket list achievement.

FYI - VJ snores.

Saturday we woke up at 4:30, knocked back some little chocolate doughnuts (thx Mr Belushi!)  and rogue-started at 6:15 am with me, Hoodie, Bergie, Friend of Bergie, Veej, Ullrich and 4 Okies with Euro-Steeds (2 Looks, 1 Colnago, 1 Ridley). Mauricio and pops started at the forward location, and Bride of Ullrich (BOU) rolled with the Atkins team. Missing from the roster were the enigmas, Charlie G (aka Frank) and the Lurker. Both were unaccounted for. But we were not calling roll, so we rolled with no call. In the dark. And btw, it was freakin' cold. 45 degrees.

Best start ever, as we rolled Charlie Murphy-style ("Darkness!) for the first 45 minutes. The lack of unicycles and chickens at the start, combined with the temp made this a surreal beginning. Almost got T-boned by a jackass that ran a light about 15 minutes in. As I already stated, Houston sucks.

Despite the close call, we were slow-rolling our way out of Houston, and it was a perfect warmup for some inevitable hammer and tongs. Which occured about an hour into the roll. Our boy Hoodie went off like a rocket, prompting our Okies to say "I guess Todd wants to go fast." This is something they were fully prepared to do. With the Okies turning up the heat, we all hung on to the wheel in front of us, and kept turning the pedals.

We soon caught Todd, and pretty much everyone else on the course. Don't recall getting passed by anyone from Hour 1 until the Okies dropped me at mile 88. Did I mention the weather was great? And that VJ hung on until mile 60, Ullrich until mile 77 along with Hoodie? The Ticket was under the weather but he still gets most Agressive Rider for Saturday. He went out in a blaze of glory. At mile 77, me and Bergie determined to hang back with Hood and pals. The kinder gentler coach lasted all of 4 miles, whereupon we found ourselves well in front of our flagging Ticket, with the Okies' wheel about a 1/4 mile in front of us. This is where we made our big mistake. "Let's get 'em!" sez coach. Bergie responds in affirmative. Me and Bergie alternated pulls and the Okie's got larger in agonizingly slow increments. About 8 minutes into this insanity, Bergie came to his senses and sat up. Another five minutes of suffering got me on Tulsa Time. Which moves too fast. Having burned the whole box, I survived two rotations at the front with the EurOkies. Then exploded, quickly shat out the back.

I sat up at mile 88. Here's the kicker. from that point to the finish, I averaged 21.6. Sitting up. Those Okies were bombin'.

All told, it was a blast. We met up with Stanton, Jeff D, Sean, Frank and the rest of the crew post-ride. Hoodie withdrew from Day 2 with symptoms that are defined as bronchitis by all but the medical crew at the MS150. Those jokers thought he had a heart problem, which we know is BS. Hood is all heart baby. Hope you are feeling better Hood!

Everyone rode strong. Our team captain was playing domestique, following the Commandment to "Respect Thy Father". Well done to both Mauricios!

Ullrich is transforming into the not-so-big German, and his riding shows it. Veej continues to gain form. Stanton and Dykes promised to ride with us on Sunday. Their buddy Craig? was delightful. Frank regaled us with stories of rides past.

The TacoDeli tent was awesome. Food, Beer and Massage. Good times.

The LCRA facility was a big win. Only downside was the shower sitch. Just cold water (hello shrinkage), and one shower left me grimy for a long time. But once clean, it was a great deal. Thx to VJ and Ullrich for the hard work!

I will get a Sunday recap out a little later.

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