Saturday, March 26, 2011

Slippum Slidum Cut Short Ride-um

Noon roll around the Johnson City Loop. Me, Ullrich, Hoodie, AT and MC. We met at the Yeti's office. It promised to be a hot one, with temps at the start in the high 70's and forecasts in the 90's.

We scoffed at Mother Nature, welcoming all she had. Mistake #1. Goal was to ride at endurance pace for five hours. Knowing the normal route is a 3 hour ride, we decided to bolt on a left turn at the stop sign where the dogs usually roam. Great road, and a suggested addition. Pretty smooth, light traffic and some manageable grades. Added about 30 minutes to the ride. At that point we were on schedule for a smoky, smooth roll. AT and Hoodie were off the front for a good bit of the roll to Johnson City. Those two are cut from the same cloth. Need to keep 'em separated on the 337.

Stopped at the C-Store, and everyone was in dire need of H20. Even in his svelted self, Ullrich was running a little hot.Ride to Hamilton Pool Rd was uneventful. AT was worried about running out of water. Clouds started to form, and they were a welcome sight. The lack of sun energized the group, and we found a nice tempo through Cypress Mill.

As we turned on the Hamilton Pool, Texas-sized drops started splatting. Real sparse. No way was it gonna rain, right? As we began the trip to the low water crossing, the splats increased a little. Then a little more. Then, at some point, I realized it was full-on raining on us. In the midst of the squall, the Yeti punctures. Like cattle in the field, we huddled under a tree. Everyone avoided Hoodie, who is our team Lightning Rod. AT was trying to accumulate rain water in his bottle. Temps were dropping, so we were all pretty positive.

Puncture fixed, we headed into a steady rain. As we neared to water crossing, steady turned into torrential downpour. With hail! AT and Hoodie were out front screaming like kids on a roller coaster. couldn't see 3 feet in front of me, and we were steadily picking up speed as we worked our way downhill.

It had rained so much that the climb out was wet but clean. No tire slippage. And some swamp cooler air conditioning made the climb as easy as it ever has been.

Given the wrath of Mother Nature, we decided not to tempt it, and cut short  to 4 hours. The lot at Yeti's was dry when we got back. As we packed up, one last weather sucker punch. marble-sized hail started falling. Which isn't a big deal. Unless you are driving a mint condition early 70's Porsche. Or a mint condition GTO. Ullrich went all Lieutenant Dan, screaming at the sky as his baby was pelted with white pellets of wrath. AT was more philosophical, just taking it in. Maybe because he has more cars than Jay Leno.

Anyway Post-ride brew at the Yeti's cave was sweet. Thx Bro! 337 is rolling up like a west texas storm. I hope you are ready.

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