Saturday, March 26, 2011

Slippum Slidum Cut Short Ride-um

Noon roll around the Johnson City Loop. Me, Ullrich, Hoodie, AT and MC. We met at the Yeti's office. It promised to be a hot one, with temps at the start in the high 70's and forecasts in the 90's.

We scoffed at Mother Nature, welcoming all she had. Mistake #1. Goal was to ride at endurance pace for five hours. Knowing the normal route is a 3 hour ride, we decided to bolt on a left turn at the stop sign where the dogs usually roam. Great road, and a suggested addition. Pretty smooth, light traffic and some manageable grades. Added about 30 minutes to the ride. At that point we were on schedule for a smoky, smooth roll. AT and Hoodie were off the front for a good bit of the roll to Johnson City. Those two are cut from the same cloth. Need to keep 'em separated on the 337.

Stopped at the C-Store, and everyone was in dire need of H20. Even in his svelted self, Ullrich was running a little hot.Ride to Hamilton Pool Rd was uneventful. AT was worried about running out of water. Clouds started to form, and they were a welcome sight. The lack of sun energized the group, and we found a nice tempo through Cypress Mill.

As we turned on the Hamilton Pool, Texas-sized drops started splatting. Real sparse. No way was it gonna rain, right? As we began the trip to the low water crossing, the splats increased a little. Then a little more. Then, at some point, I realized it was full-on raining on us. In the midst of the squall, the Yeti punctures. Like cattle in the field, we huddled under a tree. Everyone avoided Hoodie, who is our team Lightning Rod. AT was trying to accumulate rain water in his bottle. Temps were dropping, so we were all pretty positive.

Puncture fixed, we headed into a steady rain. As we neared to water crossing, steady turned into torrential downpour. With hail! AT and Hoodie were out front screaming like kids on a roller coaster. couldn't see 3 feet in front of me, and we were steadily picking up speed as we worked our way downhill.

It had rained so much that the climb out was wet but clean. No tire slippage. And some swamp cooler air conditioning made the climb as easy as it ever has been.

Given the wrath of Mother Nature, we decided not to tempt it, and cut short  to 4 hours. The lot at Yeti's was dry when we got back. As we packed up, one last weather sucker punch. marble-sized hail started falling. Which isn't a big deal. Unless you are driving a mint condition early 70's Porsche. Or a mint condition GTO. Ullrich went all Lieutenant Dan, screaming at the sky as his baby was pelted with white pellets of wrath. AT was more philosophical, just taking it in. Maybe because he has more cars than Jay Leno.

Anyway Post-ride brew at the Yeti's cave was sweet. Thx Bro! 337 is rolling up like a west texas storm. I hope you are ready.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

337 Prep Ride

Core group of Doughnamites this morning. Me, Hoodie (aka "the Ticket") VJ and AT. While there was no declaration, we all showed up in black kits. Some things are obvious.

We decided to hit Lime Creek, on an out and back, to get us both more miles and more elevation. The pace for the ride was as billed. Excellent self-control from the pack. Particularly from AT and the Ticket (as in "get behind him, and "punch your ticket"). Neither of those guys has a rep for even pacing, but both were totally bought in to the pace. Our essential goal was to finish as a pack. This is important as we approach 337, where we will roll parts unknown, in the Wild Hill Country. Also, we wanted to cut down on the length of our break time. Too much dawdling!

I forecasted a 4-4.5 hour ride. To get that in, we bolted Lime Creek on the Aussie. Turned out to be around 75 miles. We were on the  bike for 4:28. add about 30 minutes of non-moving time, for a five hour, 8 minute experience. We accomplished the mission, keeping everyone together for nearly the entire roll. Well done fellas! Particularly VJ, who gutted it out like a champ. Had to bait and switch AT, who wanted a modified course. Peer pressure is so awesome.Thanks for hanging in there AT! Your legs will be thanking you in a few weeks.

Saw Stanton prepping for 337 on Shoal Creek, rocking the Dough kit! Panozz is racing, so he gets a pass. Ullrich is in SFO on personal duty, so he gets a pass. Yeti, Z, Chuck, Bergamo, Dustin, you guys getting in some distance?

337. Are you ready?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

PedalHard Sunday Service

Me, AT and Ullrich rolled with a crew of PedalHard instructors and students this morning. Crew included the 3 aforementioned Dough plus KL, Brant, waterbugCasey (WBC), and Joel. We had two Princes, a Wilier (Joel), an Orbea (WBC). a Specialized and 2 sweet Treks.

Really great ride. KL kept the governor on, and we rolled a brisk but mostly manageable pace. Brant and KL did the lion's share of the work, with the rest of us hanging on. In looking at the file, only 18 minutes of downtime. Pretty good for a nearly 4 hour ride. This is a lesson we need to learn. Too much dawdling in the convenience store on our typical rides.Compared to our last roll (where the Ticket and Ullrich doused), I shaved 19 minutes of ride time off the effort, with the same average HR. Progress!

Only part of the ride that really hurt was the climb out from the Hamilton Pool water crossing. The other day at the PH Center, Brant asked the rhetorical question, "How long can I push 450 watts?" Well, the answer is "a helluva lot longer than me".... Right after we crested the big climb, Kevin and Brant turned up the heat just a bit, and melted the rest of us. While I was able to keep them in view, just couldn't get back on without burning all my matches. That stretch is so sweet. smooth roads, good weather and great company made for a very good ride. While I am bummed to miss the church service this morning, this climb was pretty spiritual. There was some suffering, some penance, and some redemption. KL mentioned that in his past training rides with Lance, they shredded each other on that stretch. That would have been awesome to see!

Ullrich and AT did great work today. Joel is more of a bike fiend than me, if that is possible. His Lampre Wilier was sweet, and he has a Dogma (with Edge dishes) at home. Aww yeah.

Y'all have a great week!

In Like a Lion

The first time I heard the phrase "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb," I was a second grader living up in Wausau Wisconsin. For those unaware, Wausau is in North-Central Wisconsin, about as far north as Green Bay. But not as metropolitan. Of course, the definition of "lamb" in those parts includes lows in the 30's, and snow on the ground.

Here in Austin, the lamb arrived this weekend. Great temps both days made for some comfortable short-sleeve riding. Only the wind detracted from the Saturday roll. Saturday, we had a great crew rolling from Lola. Rey, his buddy Chris, AT, VJ, MC, Panozz, Z, Me, Sean and Ullrich headed out for a dam loop roll at 8am on Saturday. Me, Ullrich and AT pulled a Cracker, ripping at Panozzo Point and leaving the crew to their own devices. Our ride was steady state, in preparation for a big ride with the PedalHard guys on Sunday.

The way out to PanozzPt included a brisk pace, aided by some tailwinds on 620. When we ripped, the stallions had dropped the pack mules, with Rey and Panozz long gone. Can someone post a summary of the long roll on Saturday?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


What an awesome workout today. Numbers weren't great, but the experience was a personal best.

Rode at PedalHard. Since I was the only guy in the lunch class, Kevin saddled up his backup bike and rode the computrainer with me. Think Shoeless Joe playing catch with "the Kid" in Field of Dreams. He turned on the draft functionality, and we took some turns pulling, all at my power thresholds (of course).

1. Pro Cyclists never really lose it. He was effortlessly holding power that took serious concentration for me.
2. Cadence is King. KL was spinning at 95rpm on the flats, and only dropping to higher grind on the inclines.
3. That dude KNOWS his power. He could hold the target within 2-3 watts like a freakin' machine. When I pulled, my power varied +- 10 Watts from the target, and my RPMs slid around as well.
4. I want to party with Vinokourov

KL setting the pace for the Big German!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Doughboys Southern Discomfort

On the anniversary of my bone-snap, most of the Dough rolled the PTTP, Panozz raced Lago Vista, and Me, Hoodie and Yeti took our act south. For the PTTP take, see ATs experience.

Ours was similar, but more concentrated. 55 miles of riding. 1st 27.5 miles at a pretty blistering pace. All South, with a tailie that promised punishment with every pedal stroke. It's so easy to get caught up in the cranking when you are hauling at 37+mph on the flats.

Then, you turn around and pay for your indiscretion. The headwind was full-on in our faces for the entire 2nd half of the ride. We pulled a nice paceline for a portion of the ride, then got a little help from the trees on Old San Antonio. Little. Help. Wind like that punctures your gas tank, and you find your energy draining rapidly  over that same stretch of road where you were cold cranking at 37mph (in the other direction).

Yeti was strong in his first post-hibernation roll. Hood was compaining of dead legs, but pulling what seemed the majority of the time.

Good news: no broken bones.

I think I need a massage.

AT's PTTP Experience


Rey, Jason, Ulrich, myself, Malo, Cracker, Veej and Charlie G (aka. Frank) showed up for the ride & proudly flew the gang colors.  Schiebs pulled a Schiebs... heretofore a verb.

We all decided to take the lead at the start to lessen the newbie rider issues through the park... and it worked well.  Awesome fast ride through the rolling park hills.  Rey and Jason took the lead of course...  and for a silly second I thought about drafting them... then realized that was stupid and enjoyed 63 miles with the Hessian instead.  Ullrich and I pushed it pretty hard... catching up with Jason at the halfway point (I'm guessing Rey was already back in the barn by then!).  Veej was behind us, and the rest were behind Veej.

Story of the day was the wind.  If I pinned a tail on Ullrich, I'm convinced  I could have flown him.  Two hellacious sections had crosswinds that had us listing by 10 degree's easily for about an hour... and headwinds that had us at 11mph for 45+ minutes... working really hard!  Not fun.  Oh yeah... then it rained for 20 minutes.  Ulrich and I were fortunate to be at the midway point by then, and timed it perfectly!!!!   No rain for us... and for the next 15 miles, we enjoyed sunshine and a tailie that had us cruising at 35mph smiling and laughing  like idiots!!!

Oh yeah, and that embrocation ointment (that I tried for the first time)... it's the gift that keeps on giving!!!!  I'm still on fire and going to see my doctor on Monday if it doesn't cool down.  Never again... Jesus!

All that complaining aside... it was a great ride... and even better cheeseburgers once it was over! 

Power to the People!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Gamble

Blackjack this morning with Cracker and AT. I determined that this is NOT the right course for 3x10 minute threshold intervals. While I was at (or close) to targeted average power on all 3 intervals, my power output looked a lot like the Mexican economic demographic.  High watts and low watts, but no middle class. Vo2 effort at MJ's yesterday also took some zip out of the guns. Really felt it on Barton Creek finale. Oh well, it was a beautiful morning for a roll, and the company was great.