Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ride Slides 3 Hours on Account of Awesome

Ullrich called me late last night to lobby for a later start. He took the safety angle, given the recent freeze and the possibility of ice remnants. I grudgingly accepted his Spock-like logic. Engineers. The thought of an 11am ride dropping an A-bomb on my day was not exciting, but we are Texans. And as Lovell so accurately described, we cannot operate vehicles in icy conditions.

So we rolled a late one. And guess who showed up (10 minutes late)? Malo! Joining the Mal, it was me, AT, Ullrich, Sean (the Silencer), La-velle and the Hoodmeister. It was the right call. Despite the increased traffic and the crazy wind, conditions were great. And given the slush we encountered on the roll, a later start may have saved a frame. And a collarbone.

We did the Full Oz, and added a climb up Cuernavaca for good measure. Pain was the prescription for the day. And it was shared by all.  The warmup climb up Cuernavaca served notice that this was not a day for spinning it out. AT was pushing the pace, Hood was living his nickname, and even I dealt a few rounds of cycle-suffering. And once I was tenderized, the Silencer glided past, delivering his kill shot.

We ran into a VOP group at the Walgreens, where Ullrich was doing a full kit removal on the sidewalk (it was warming up fast). Velo on That!

Huge efforts on:
Dam-Walgreens (Sean/Me)
620-Anderson Mill (Me/Hood)
Anderson Mill (AT)
Spicewood (AT)
360-Jollyville (Hood/AT)
Shoal Creek (All of Us)
Bull Creek (I still reign)
Rollingwood-Lola (All of Us)

On Spicewood we Renshawed AT in a big way, siphoning his wheel until the final climb, then going Cavendish. Good times.

No time to hang out post-ride, but it was a winner!

Mauricio in Action


Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed it. See you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Malo says "more like 3 minutes late" - tough ride. Wind in our face in every direction! Malo (aka "LIFO")