Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Recovery - - Prayers for Verter Ginestra

Cycling Accident on 360
Horrific tragedy yesterday. Verter Ginestra (, a 54-year old cyclist was killed by an 85-year old driver on 360 right by Westlake High School. I had never met Mr Ginestra, but in looking at his linkedin profile, he appeared to be a perfect candidate for our club. Middle aged cyclist, engineer/business guy. Someone also mentioned that he lived in the Homestead, which is very near us. Tragic. I am really shocked that this happened. That could have been any of us. We ride that route frequently. Ullrich, Hoodie and Veej rode it yesterday, just hours before the accident.  I think Anthony was hit in that area as well.  It may be time to revisit driving privileges past the age of 70. Like, requiring an eye test every two years or something. Prayers go out to Verter Ginestra and his family. Cycling safety needs to improve in this city. So many people out there on bikes. What can we do?

Sunday Ride Notes-
Went Hans Solo Sunday for an easy effort recovery roll. Took two days off on coach's orders, and today's ride indicates that my body rejects days off. The heart rate was absurdly high for the low effort. Tapering is a myth. For full disclosure, I ate a big cheeseburger yesterday, and drank some great Tobin James "fat boy" Zin as well. So maybe I wasn't as hydrated as I shoulda been. 

Punctured on 360. No indication of a problem on the outside of the tyre. However, on the INSIDE of the tyre, I found an ENTIRE staple. Case closed Sherlock, I found the flat tyre perp.

Ran up on Guz on the way down Rob Roy Hill. He was futzing with bar tape. He eventually caught me, as he was doing some superhuman 3x20 intervals. Guz, you are strong like bull. And light like feather. I predict you will rain pain on the pelo in Corsicana!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spinning for Winning - MS150 and the Race Against MS

Dough, it's so easy to get caught up in the fun of the ride. As I will detail below, the MS Society puts together a very well supported two day affair that gives cyclists of all abilities the chance to take a swing against MS. Leg shavers may turn up their nose at this charity affair. If you are in that camp, lighten up Francis. The ride is secondary to the expression of support for those battling a mysterious, debilitating malady. It's an unpredictable affliction. It can take you tomorrow, or just sit there, hovering over your life for years. An ever present shadow threatening to tint your daily existence.

It takes courage to fight. So kudos to all those battling MS, and to their loved ones for supporting them, and all the medical professionals treating patients and/or frantically searching for a way to beat it.

It also takes courage to get on your hybrid and ride 175 miles in a weekend. More courage than I possess. So kudos to all the non-cyclists that ponied up for this weekend's ride.

Except for the guys that almost hit me. You guys need to keep right when the pain train is rolling through town. I am joking, of course. But seriously, when someone says on your left, it means DO NOT GO TO YOUR LEFT. Quite the opposite.


Pre-Ride (friday)
The Badger picked up ME, Hoodie and Ullrich, shepherding us in his F150 Palace to Chipotle. There we met Mauricio and Veej (aka "Where's VJ?) for our now-iconic pre-rdie lunch. As instructed by Hoodie, we all wore our 337 T's. Which are so pro. While sitting there, a fellow patron asked if we were part of a cycling team. To wit, Hoodie replied, "well, kinda." An appropriate response, in light of the Patron's next comment "My daughter works for Radio Shack Nissan Trek." Yeah, we know those guys....

On the way out, we had to wait for VJ, who had to squeeze the lemon one more time. [Recurring theme for the weekend!]

Bus ride was pretty uneventful. Dykes (aka Goldfinger) and Stanton (stay tuned for his newly christened nickname) joined us. Panozz spent the entire ride outfitting Hoodie's new steed, and passing out tips to save $$ on cycling gear. Look for a new feature on the website that incorporates some pearls of wisdom from "THE FRUGAL CYCLIST." For the 3rd consecutive year it rained all the way down to Houston.

In Houston, we checked into the supremely mediocre Omni Hotel (which also describes our cycling skills), and wandered the halls. St. David's rolled out the hospitality, with some excellent pre-ride carb loading-beer and pretzels. There we met some of the guys down from Tulsa. More on them later.

At Carabba's for dinner we partook of some fine wine, heavy carbs and light conversation. Reunited with Dentite Greg from last year's MS150, and his lovely lady friend Vanessa. Those two plus all the guys mentioned above worked our way through our meals with single minded dedication.

After the meal, we cabbed it over to Tully to retrieve our bikes. Shining moment of the day. Veej, of course. As the last guy to get his bike, Veej is asked to produce his claim check. Classic response of the weekend. "I have a claim check?" Thank you Veej, for all that you do.

Post-bike, we all checked in early.

4:30 Breakfast. I ordered the organic farmer's breakfast. Apparently, the organic farmer is a tomato hater. Lamest tomato I have ever eaten. Oh yeah, I ate it. Stanton showed up with a double venti Starbucks, lamenting his intricate pre-ride routine. That guy has a very fine-tuned engine, and I am not talking about his bike. Which is awesome. I hereby posit that Stanton out-rivals even Ullrich in his fastidious dedication to the pre-ride plop stop. You know what I am talking about. Let me mention here that we have been agonizing over a nickname for Stanton for years. At this point in the morning, I was subconsciously digesting the inputs for a name that had substance. One that would stick. Onward.

6am Rogue Roll from the Parking Lot. We rocked the HCD red kits. So pro. Paceline? ME, Hoodie, Mauricio, Ullrich, Stanton, Goldfinger, Where's VJ? and the Badger. Plus a host of guys from Tulsa. I think they were six in total. I only recall the names of Wayne (mega-beast), Kevin (world's nicest Okie), and Colnago Dan. To the rest I can only issue:

1. an apology for not remembering your name
2. a heartfelt thanks for the yeoman's work you did in the paceline
3. and most importantly a HOOK 'EM HORNS. Look me up 10/13 in Dallas. I will buy you a beer after the Horns put a whoopin' on Landry Jones!

I digress. Our rogue roll was a stroke of genius. Can't say enough good things about the guys we rode with. Both the Tulsa Toughs and the HCD contingent. wind in our face ALL Day at 20mph. Still managed nearly 19mph on the day. Of course, we stopped about 6 times, as we are all getting too old to pass up two things. One is a bathroom, and the other is not meant for this blog.

Awesome work in the paceline from everyone made for as pleasant a day in the saddle as you will ever get while heading into 20mph gales. Plus, the rogue start absolutely eliminated the population. We were passed by exactly NO ONE. It was somewhere on this ride that I was struck with the solution to the Problem of Stanton. Triggered by his now-iconic throat clearing.

Everyone, welcome the Growler to the HCD!

Saturday POST-RIDE
Beer. Sweet Beer. Thanks to Mickey, Becky and Mike and the rest of the St. David's support crew. What a sweet setup. bags all there, gumbo cooking on the pot, cold Shiners, water, etc waiting for us. My massage was lower quartile, but the day wasn't so demanding that I needed a lifesaving soigneur.

In the shower line, I was struck by a conversation happening in front of me. Two younger guys talking about the cancelled ride through the park. One says "the last hill in the park is so steep, and so long. It's the biggest climb in Texas!" Not so my friend. Not so. I would wager Fort Davis is about five times longer. and there are only thirty or so climbs in Austin alone that make the bump in the park look like a bump in the park.

Two meals later, plus some lemonade and vodka (thanks to the Growler and Goldfinger !) we were sated and ready for some inspiration. So we headed to the finish line. Talk about courage. People still rolling in en masse at 5pm. That's a long day in the saddle ladies. Best sight of the day? A dude on a hybrid. 3 bills. and wearing an aero helmet. You can't make that stuff up.

Saturday Night/Sunday Morning - this is the timeframe where I annually conclude that I will never do this ride again. This year was no exception.

Sunday Ride
POSITIVE - winds died to nothing
NEGATIVE - NO rogue start. leading to a lot of Stranger Danger. Plus, no Tulsa Toughs.

Equaled out to a very very slow start. Teeth chattering, praying for the sun, we headed out of La Grange, snails on wheels. The ride was relatively uneventful. Highlights:

1. Chasing back to the group when Jimmy (TacoDelian) punctured
2. Nice pacelines lead by Jimmy, Panozz, and....Ullrich!
3. Tommy Boy lookalike at rest stop with a small jersey and a large belly. And sunscreen slathered all over his exposed midriff. pretty sight? No. Eventful sight? YES.
4. Near accident while ME and Hoodie pulled the paceline. Maybe my fault. I don't know, but seriously, when someone says on your left, it means DO NOT GO TO YOUR LEFT. Quite the opposite.
5. Great work from Veej and Vanessa, who finished in tandem.
6. Hoodie and Ullrich showed off the fruits of the PedalHard Labor. Well Done Fellas!
7. Panozz is at such different level that comparisons do not apply. OK, maybe we could compare him to Jimmy.
8. St David's kits? so pro.

Post-ride summary-
1. God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.Thanks again to the support team. Such a great time!! Team St David's has raised $59,000 thus far. Take that MS!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


April 7 marked our second annual venture west to God's Country. Leakey Texas. Where FM 336 meets FM 337. Heart of the Hill Country. Attempts to describe the natural beauty of that piece of Texas cheapen its brilliance. Rolling vistas, only lightly touched by civilization, all under truly magnificent Texas skies greeted us on our Friday pre-ride roll.

Attendees: ME, Ullrich, Hoodie, VJ, Ty, Scheibs, Bergie, Dykes, Panozz, Garreth, Charlie and MC.

MC entered the weekend on one leg. Victim of a knee issue created by his failure to accept the aging process. Too many innings on the mound, followed by a Pebble Beach extravaganza left his right knee grapefruitish. Gamer that he is, the Yeti gave the big roll a shot.

This year we got two places off HomeAway, an Austin success story. Dudes in one, ME, my family and the Ullrichs in the other. Our place was easily the nicer of the two. Biggest fumble of the weekend was on  ME. Neglect to the finer points of the rental agreement left the fellas without linens or towels. Sorry guys. All my bad. 

Friday dinner of homemade lasagna (thanks to ME bride!) provided some carb reserves for the Saturday ride. Add in a few brews and we were all ready to crush it! Ty got his electric smoker firing Friday night for the Saturday postride meal of brisket, pork and sausage. The Badger can do some work!

Saturday morning we congregated at the Hog Pen, a Leakey Biker Bar. 

Hey, where's VJ?

After VJ's Pavlonian devotion to inopportune urination, we got the roll underway.The morning was a little moist at the start. Three hills came at us in rapid succession early in the day (mile 6, mile 11 and mile 20). We regrouped at the top of the last climb for a photo op:

As you may note, MC was not in this pic. He had to pull out after climb #1, done in by his fastball. Shortly after this was taken Charlie and VJ rolled up. At this precise moment, Panozz declared "allrigh Veej, let's go!" That truly never gets old.

Descents in the mist were pretty harrowing. Scheibs was a foot from going off road, saved by his precision steering skills. On a personal note, KS may be the most detail oriented (aka "anal retentive") sales guy I have ever met. He had his bike completely deconstructed, degreased and re-lubed about 1 hour post-ride. This includes degreasing each cog in his rear cassette. This is equal parts awe inspiring and scary. I can no longer look at the Scheibs without seeing his eyes judging the skank all over my bike.

Slop and grime ushered us from the Sisters to Medina, where we met Hoodie's "tres chicas muy rica", who acted as our SAG for the day. Toni and kids were our lifeline, feeding us Allen Lim-inspired carb loaders, water, Nuun, fruits and PBJ. I cannot say thanks enough times! Awesome sauce!!

Hoodie and his better half. 

VJ's countenance has been hidden for his protection. 
This photo was clipped from a 
COPS episode focused on public urination

From Medina to Utopia, there was a fair amount of separation in the crew. The Sisters, the rollers and our differentiated training regimens dropped us into different pockets of suffering. Can't speak for the rest of you, but it was so fun for ME! Got on Garreth and Panozz's wheel and just hung on. What a blast. It was mostly downhill on this stretch. Highlight at this point was Dykes' attempt to go Pro. In ride bladder relief. It should be left to TdF riders. You may need to burn that Chamois my friend.

We regrouped in Utopia, meeting Toni and Team for the second and final time. Initial reports had Ullrich about to SAG out of the ride, which shocked ME. But 337 is a mean beeyotch, and the Deutschlander had a knee issue. Turns out, reports of the German's demise were premature, as he wheeled into town smiling like a fat kid with a fistful of smarties. Apparently, VJ's "Dr Fuentes" bag hanging under his saddle contained some magic pills. Shout out here to Bergie for domestique duties, bringing the Advil to the Ullrich.

However, Domestique of the Day goes to Garreth. Talk about giving someone a little push? Big G physically pushed Charlie up a hill around mile 70.All while riding next to him on the bike. Truly amazing!

Post-Utopia, we stuck together, if you loosely defined that term. Bergie did some work on the front, and the German made an appearance, rejuvenated from his Fuentes pills.

We regrouped at the turn onto 2748. Charlie nearly pulled a Gump, shooting past us while we screamed at him. Well done on the ride CG! That was good work. More than you have ever done before, which is reason to pause and celebrate. 

OK, now that the celebration is over, time to get back into the paceline, which actually stuck together the entire final 10 miles of the ride. Despite an adrenaline fueled break by the German, we all rolled into Leaky together. Safe and realtively sound.

Ty's post-ride meal was legendary. He is a great cook, and we all got the benefit. I loaded about 5k calories onto my plate!

Saturday night was a blast, though most of the HCD had dispersed back to ATX. Hot tub, White man's fire, beer, wine, port, a true victory celebration. Thanks to all who participated. Special thanks to:

1. Joanie - awesome dinner, and thanks for your tolerance of my two-wheeled addiction.
2. Toni and kids - Lifeline!
3. Ullrich's Kids and Jake - I am looking forward to seeing the photos you guys took!
4. Lynn - Bride of Ullrich! Thanks for the great food!!
5. Ty - great job on the BBQ

Got some decent video, so keep eyes out for that! Have a great week fellas!